America Now Has Fewer Employed Workers than It Did a Year Ago
The total number of employed persons has fallen by 66,000 since August of 2023. Moreover, the new job growth is almost all in part-time jobs.
The total number of employed persons has fallen by 66,000 since August of 2023. Moreover, the new job growth is almost all in part-time jobs.
The Federal Reserve wants to be perceived as coming to the economy's rescue, but the Fed can't save you. Mark shares some insights from Austrian Business Cycle Theory.
Bob explains the contributions of Menger and Mises to monetary theory. He then deals with the critique of David Graeber, who argues that the economists' story of the origin of money is bogus.
Ryan and Tho talk about Zuckerberg's recent letter from Congress, Elon Musk's showdown in Brazil, and the growing global hostility from governments towards free speech.
Harris promises to reduce prices by printing more money, reducing competition, and attacking businesses. Welcome to the US version of Argentina's “Peronism.”
A few years ago, the leftist publication The Intercept claimed that inflation only hurts the “one percent,” but is “good” for everyone else. The truth is much different, as the Fed’s inflationary policies have benefited the politically-connected crony class.
Keynesians believe that if there is a bout of inflation, central banks can slowly guide the economy to a “soft landing” which minimizes unemployment and income losses. Such policies, however, only lead to further boom-and-bust scenarios.
Even though homeschooling is growing in this country and the educational results are overwhelmingly positive, US progressive journalists naturally believe homeschooling is dangerous and in need of “oversight.”
The flurry of post-Watergate “reforms” supposedly were passed to counteract government abuse of citizens. Not surprisingly, the FISA program, which was aimed at reducing internal government spying became the means of massive growth of the surveillance state.
While we experience the predictable economic consequences of bad economic policies, the two main presidential candidates seem to be competing in an unspoken contest to demonstrate profound economic illiteracy. Unfortunately, whoever wins in this contest, we lose.
It has been nearly 80 years since US aircraft dropped two atomic bombs on Japanese cities, but today, nations stockpiled with nuclear weapons engage in reckless foreign policies. It is time to recognize the danger irresponsible western governments pose to everyone else.
Modern mainstream economics bases its theories on utilitarianism. Murray Rothbard, on the other hand, saw economic law as based in natural law. Furthermore, he rejected the legal positivism of our age, again deferring to the law of nature.
Price inflation is never caused by greed. It's always caused by a growing money supply. The money supply has grown big-time since 2020, and now we pay a lot more for food and housing.
The phrase, old school economics, is often used approvingly by many, but it's rarely explained. What is it?
Dr. Jonathan Newman joins Bob to analyze Kamala Harris's proposals against price gouging, and how some mainstream economists defend Government price controls.
Politicians say "greedflation," and profits are what fuels rising prices, but the real culprit is fiat money creation fueled by the central bank.
Taxing "the rich" won't make life more affordable for ordinary people. The true cause of the affordability crisis is inflation caused by central banks.
While Donald Trump is trying to appeal to homeschooling families with his Agenda 47 plan, the reality is that by offering tax breaks and subsidies, the federal government ultimately will be able to regulate homeschooling, and federal control will ruin homeschooling as we know it.
David Gordon reviews J.W. Rich's new book, Praxeological Ethics: An Inquiry into the Nature and Foundation of Ethics and finds much to like about this volume.
By appealing to tariffs and other forms of economic regulation, Republicans have tossed aside any commitment to free market economics. Unfortunately, their program will lead to more economic stagnation, inflation, and runaway government spending.