Why do people prep? Are preppers irrational and out of touch with reality?
Minor Issues
Succinct economic commentary by Dr. Mark Thornton, senior fellow at the Mises Institute.
The only critical thinking in modern academia that stands out, is criticisms of capitalism—real and imagined.
John Maynard Keynes was an English “economist” who spawned a revolution in economic thinking that emerged out of a cesspool of socialist thinking in Britain.
The hatred and disparagement of gold as money and the gold standard has become standard dogma of the modern State.
There is good evidence that the Skyscraper Curse is dead. But what does that mean? Are historical changes are in the works?
The Federal Reserve wants to be perceived as coming to the economy's rescue, but the Fed can't save you. Mark shares some insights from Austrian Business Cycle Theory.
The phrase, old school economics, is often used approvingly by many, but it's rarely explained. What is it?
Mark discusses the issues of homelessness, poverty, technology, and government in two 1995 episodes of the Star Trek series, Deep Space 9.
Is the United States on the fast track to ruination? Or, could a so-called Democratic Socialist government be a role model for the US?
It's time to check the underbelly of the economy’s mighty growth industry.
Mark Thornton reviews Philip Duffy's book about the mysterious Irish banker Richard Cantillon.
The great train wreck seems to be happening. Mark Thornton shares his latest guesses and outlook.
Mark Thornton discusses his new paper on Ludwig von Mises, trade, and human progress.
Do we have a market situation primed for everyone to head for the exits? What would ignite such a problem?
Oklahoma City recently approved the construction of the Legends Tower at a record-setting height of 1,907 feet.
Mark Thornton joins Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop on Radio Rothbard to discuss the current state of the economy and what to expect as we near the election.
As the world heads further down the road to trade protectionism and war, Mark takes a look at what Ludwig von Mises dubbed the "Montaigne Fallacy."
Mark Thornton shares several ways we can fight the Fed's price inflation.
The record high price of copper has serious implications for our economic future.