5. The Wealth of Nations: Ideology, Religion, Biology, and Environment

Ideological factors, especially comparative religions, are considered. Until 1500, China was the most developed region on the globe. Confucianism has no promise of an afterlife. There are no miracles for them. They are realistic and rational. Confucius is not a god or prophet. He is revered as a great teacher. His teachings are compatible with capitalism.
Judaism produced few achievements before 1800. Christianity was not originally individualist. The ideas of Aristotle and Aquinas created the modern Christian view which then successfully made many contributions. Man is given dominion over the world. The world and truth are knowable. Wisdom comes through effort. The Catholic Church is anti-democratic, individualistic and capable of salvation. Slavery became seen as incompatible with Christian views. Christianity upholds social cooperation. Capitalism was born in Italy – a Catholic country. Private property came to be seen as a good. The Protestant religion was the most successful in production because their puritanical work ethic was the harshest. Protestantism both strengthened the state and democracies.
Lecture 5 of 10 from Hans-Hermann Hoppe’s Economy, Society, and History.