The Truth About American History: An Austro-Jeffersonian Perspective

3. The States’ Rights Tradition Nobody Knows

The Truth About American History
Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

New England was not in favor of the War of 1812 and it considered seceding, but the death of Hamilton in his duel with Burr destroyed that plan. The idea of secession was more embraced by the Northern than by the Southern states.

The War of 1812 involved the harassment of American shipping and the impressment of sailors. Congress seriously considered conscription, but Daniel Webster’s speech against conscription killed it. Interposition is emphasized. The Hartford Convention was opposed to the war. Secession sentiment was still alive. It was a reasonable and peaceful way of resolving differences.

The issue of a national bank took up much attention in the 1830s. The Supreme Court had declared a national bank to be constitutional.

The Fugitive Slave Act turned many Northerners into abolitionists. The Principles of 1798 were going strong throughout these issues.

Lecture 3 of 10 from Thomas Woods’ The Truth About American History: An Austro-Jeffersonian Perspective.