Loot and Lobby

Don’t Put Your Trust in the Supreme Court

Ryan McMaken

No matter how the court rules on birthright citizenship (or anything else), it certainly won’t be the “last word” on the matter, and nothing is decided beyond the short term. 

Additional Reading

“Birthright Citizenship Isn’t Real” by Ryan McMaken: https://mises.org/power-market/birthright-citizenship-isnt-real

“Don’t Confuse Immigration with Naturalization” by Ryan McMaken: https://mises.org/mises-wire/dont-confuse-immigration-naturalization

“The Problem with the Arbitrary Line between Legal and Illegal Immigration” by Ryan McMaken: https://mises.org/power-market/problem-arbitrary-line-between-legal-and-illegal-immigration

Be sure to follow the Loot and Lobby podcast at Mises.org/LL