Did the MMT Camp Correctly Predict the Post-Covid Economy?

Recently on Twitter, as a reaction to an FT post worrying about the growing debts of various governments, fans of MMT were posting screenshots from a May 2020 FT debate involving Stephanie Kelton. The implication was that Kelton had correctly predicted that government debt would be benign. Bob and guest Jonathan Newman dissent.
- Stephanie Kelton and Edward Chancellor’s Debate on Government Debt: Mises.org/HAP445a
- Martin Wolf’s Article on Government Debt: Mises.org/HAP445b
- Bob’s Debate with Warren Mosler on MMT: Mises.org/HAP445c
- Bob and Jonathan’s Episode on Price Inflation: Mises.org/HAP445d
- Bob’s Article on the Economic Outlook for the US: Mises.org/HAP445e
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