The Accad and Koka Report

Psychiatry: Past, Present, and Future

The Accad & Koka Report
Michel Accad, MD Anish Koka

Despite its many scientific and therapeutic advances, the field of psychiatry remains lacking in coherence or cohesiveness as compared to other areas of medicine. Part of the issue undoubtedly has to do with the intractable mind-body problem, but part of it may also be due to the effort of standardization of diagnosis set in motion by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. Is there a way to move forward?

Our guest is optimistic. Paul McHugh, MD, is one of the most important figures in academic psychiatry of the last thirty years. He is University Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine where he was department chairman from 1975 until 2001. He is the author or co-author of several academic books and texts of psychiatry.