The Human Action Podcast

Connor Boyack: Raising Libertarian Kids

Connor Boyack on Mises Weekends
Jeff Deist Connor Boyack

This weekend we depart from our usual topics of money and Austrian economics to welcome Connor Boyack, the author of two brilliant libertarian books for children: one based on Bastiat’s famous essay “The Law”, and one based on Leonard Read’s great essay on market cooperation, “I, Pencil”.

Connor has some great insights about how we can inoculate kids against the disease of government propaganda. Even in a deeply statist society, Connor believes we can raise happy, productive, responsible young people who are knowledgeable about liberty, property, economics, and personal finance.

Whether you’re a parent now, hope to be a parent someday, or are perfectly happy not having kids, we all have an enormous interest in winning the hearts and minds of younger generations for liberty.