2025 New Year’s Resolutions, Part Two
Eventually the monetization of federal debt will lead to a major economic crisis caused by, or resulting in, the rejection of the dollar’s world reserve currency status.
Eventually the monetization of federal debt will lead to a major economic crisis caused by, or resulting in, the rejection of the dollar’s world reserve currency status.
This is a victory over the politics of the BLM era when race baiters repeatedly used lawsuits, and threats of lawsuits and legislation, to exploit private companies.
This would have been the first violent overthrow of a government in history without one ‘insurrectionist’ wielding a gun.
After years of calling for border walls and closed borders with adjacent states, one might be forgiven for thinking that Trump has high regard for
The Mises Institute will host the Libertarian Scholars Conference on March 20 at our Auburn campus.
If the Fed really believes that its technical insolvency doesn’t matter, why is it intent on hiding the numbers?
Everyone excited about an Argentina economic miracle is basing it on all sorts of government statistics except the most important statistics:
Now available at the Mises Institute book store: Life in Liberty: Liber Amicorum,a collection of essays in honor of Hans-Hermann Hoppe for his 75th birthday.
Housing affordability has become a big problem in recent years, driven in part by immense amounts of new money creation.
GDP is a ridiculous way to gauge the strength of the economy. While prices on Wall Street remain robust, trouble lurks on Main Street.