Mises Wire

The Mises Week in Review: September 5, 2015

Mises Daily September 5 2015

It was another volatile week for markets in the US, with the New York Stock Exchange posting its second worst week in 2015. This follows last week’s Monday panic. The Fed and Fed watchers are now all wondering if the Fed is going to ever end QE, or if fear of our weakened economy will lead to attempts at perpetual quantitative easing.

Not surprisingly, our most-read articles for August reflect uncertainty over the future of the global economy and the world’s central banks.

Among the most read articles were Brendan Brown’s article “Asset Price Inflation Enters Its Dangerous Late Phase” in which he explains how even with recent stock market shocks, the current boom may have some life in it yet.

Ronald-Peter Stöferle explores “The Unseen Consequences of Zero-Interest-Rate Policy” and Per Bylund takes a look at how opponents of free markets have used recent economic crises as an excuse to get rid of economics altogether.

See the full list of top August articles here.

But for some of the most timely analysis of what’s going on in markets right now, be sure to listen to this week’s Mises Weekends in which Jeff Deist talks with Jim Rickards, the author of the New York Times bestseller The Death of Money and a well-known expert in geopolitics and global capital. Jim and Jeff discuss the unfolding drama at the Fed, which can’t decide when — if ever — QE will come to an end.

Meanwhile, Ron Paul writes that we should “Blame the Federal Reserve, Not China” for the stock market crash, and Ryan McMaken wonders if the US will soon join Canada in recession, especially when “leading” economists like Bernanke were so bad at predicting the last one. And all this time, as Jeff Deist observes, Paul Krugman can only feign exasperation at the supposed obtuseness of those who don’t agree with the Keynesian line.

And in case you missed any of them, here are this week’s featured Mises Daily articles and some of our most popular articles at Mises Wire:

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