David Brady, Jr.

David Brady, Jr.

David is an undergraduate student at Florida Southern College pursuing a Bachelor’s in Economics. He is primarily interested in the intersection of monetary policy & financial markets, faith & freedom, and international trade policy. He is a current Mises Apprentice, and previously a Hazlitt Apprentice through the Foundation for Economic Education. He was the winner of the 2024 Kenneth Garschina Undergraduate Essay Contest, and his writing is featured on the Mises Wire, Power & Market Blog, FEE Online, and Zerohedge.

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David Brady, Jr.

Politicians and hedge funds that push “Environmental, Social, and Governance” (ESG) scores and investing do so with the notion of improving social welfare. What they fail to realize is that these concerns are accounted for in human action already.

Mises Wire David Brady, Jr.
ESG has become a buzzword for both the American Left and Right. For the Right, it is just a Trojan horse for progressive social attitudes to sneak into business. For the Left it is an alternative to...