Ronald Reagan on horse

We Lose, They Lose: A Reagan-Trump Fusion

In the spirit of a new Cold War, Matthew Kroenig and Dan Negrea have written a new book, We Win, They Lose: Republican Foreign Policy and the New Cold War, which tries to fuse the foreign policies of Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. The result is a foreign policy Frankenstein.

Mises Wire Carus Michaelangelo
Political debate

Vance vs. Walz: Should the Government “Do Something”?

Tuesday night’s Vice-Presidential Debate was remarkable not for what was said (which was forgettable), but for what was not asked: What should be the proper role of government in what purports to be a free society? Neither candidates nor the moderators were interested in that question.
Jonathan Newman
Side by side of Donald Trump and Elon Musk

America Doesn’t Need More “Efficient” Government

Donald Trump and Elon Musk want to make the federal government more efficient. But if the true aim of our political system is not to solve the problems facing Americans but to transfer wealth to the government and the politically-connected, the government is already very efficient.
Connor O'Keeffe
What Has Government Done to Our Money?
In the last few years, many Americans have started to see the truth about the Federal Reserve. Putting this book in their hands at this moment will have a profound effect for the better.
Hilton Head, SC

Join us in Hilton Head this October to discuss Our Enemy, the State.

Tampa, FL

Join the Mises Institute for its fifth year in a row in Tampa for an exciting discussion on the future of academia and alternatives to state-controlled education.

Economics for Beginners

The Costs of the Progressives


The battle between American individualism and modern progressive collectivism.
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The Mises Institute is a non-profit organization that exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian School of economics, individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard. 

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