
Displaying 21 - 40 of 773
Louis Baudin
Ludwig von Mises: There is no doubt that this book, A Socialist Empire: The Incas of Peru, is of the highest importance for the historian, for the ethnologist, and for the economist. But in establishing this fact one has not yet fully...
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Hans-Hermann Hoppe
Here is Hans Hoppe’s first treatise in English — actually his first book in English — and the one that put him on the map as a social thinker and economist to watch. He argued that there are only two possible archetypes in economic affairs...
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Henry Hazlitt
All over the United States, if you are reading this in a daylight hour, there is a ceaseless downpour of new laws. Every day some of us, somewhere, are being encumbered or shackled by still more restrictions. There are just too many laws. But...
Condy Raguet
This remarkable hard-money treatise appeared in 1840. It is by Condy Raguet (1784-1842), a noted Pennsylvania politician and economist who worked as a merchant in several Latin American countries. He was wholly dedicated to free trade, the free...
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Jean-Baptiste Say
Jean-Baptiste Say (1767-1832) has been described as a revolutionary, an author of scholarly books and popular tracts, a social philosopher, a successful entrepreneur and a remarkable Renaissance man. Above all, however, he was a great economist...
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Destutt Tracy
The neglect of Antoine Louis Claude Destutt de Tracy (1754–1836) in the history of political economy is both strange and tragic. He was, after all, Thomas Jefferson’s number one favorite economist, the thinker who influenced him and, arguably...
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Ludwig von Mises
People generally believe that economics is of interest only to businessmen, bankers, and the like and that there is a separate economics for every group, segment of society, or country. As economics is the latest science to have been developed...
Raymond Moley
Written by an adviser to FDR who helped assemble the president’s “brain trust”, After Seven Years is a must-read for anyone claiming to be a student of the New Deal. Written in the midst of man-made economic calamity, Moley supplies an insider’s...
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Stephan Kinsella
Would a libertarian society recognize patents as legitimate? What about copyright? In Against Intellectual Property, Stephan Kinsella, a patent attorney of many years’ experience, offers his response to these questions. Kinsella is altogether...
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Wilhelm Röpke
Wilhelm Röpke was schooled in the tradition of the Austrians and made enormous contributions to the study of political institutions. Here we have collected some of his most powerful anti-Keynesian writings, which, in particular, underscore what...
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Ralph Raico
From the Foreword by David Gordon ... Much of Ralph Raico’s scholarly work centers on French classical liberalism. We are thus especially fortunate to be able to publish an essay by him on one of the greatest French classical liberals of the...
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