Leonard E. Read

Leonard E. Read was the founder of the Foundation for Economic Education — the first modern libertarian think tank in the United States — and was largely responsible for the revival of the liberal tradition in post–World War II America.


I am a lead pencil — the ordinary wooden pencil familiar to all boys and girls and adults who can read and write. Writing is both my vocation and my avocation; that’s all I do. You may wonder why I...


Leonard E. Read
Libertarians may seem few and far between today, but they are not nearly as isolated now as they were when Leonard Read (1898–1983) was working to spread the freedom philosophy. Yet, although Read saw socialism spreading all around, he knew it was a
Leonard E. Read
In Castles in the Air, Leonard Read discusses the idealistic foundations of the United States and how those foundations are crumbling right before the eyes of the people. Read addresses topics such as social order, the tendency for individuals to


Leonard E. Read
Think of it! The finest orchestrations ever known to man, the most beautiful music any individual on earth has heard — all mine, and done for me privately when I want it, and where I want it, and for no more than the flick of a switch. Staggering