Under Trump, Expect No Change to the Monetary Status Quo
The Trump team plans to tinker with government spending, but this does nothing to address the real problem which is the current inflationist monetary experiment.
The Trump team plans to tinker with government spending, but this does nothing to address the real problem which is the current inflationist monetary experiment.
Dr. Matt McCaffrey joins Bob to discuss his newly published journal article exploring the dispute Fetter had with the august British economist Alfred Marshall over the theory of rent.
The focus is on individual human action makes Austrian economics unique, as well as logically valid and compelling. It is a system of economic analysis based upon praxeology and causal-realism.
Libertarians generally agree that slavery violates libertarian principles, but how does one deal with the aftermath of abolition? How best to justly compensate former slaves for what was taken from them by slaveowners? Wanjiru Njoya examines some libertarian alternatives.
Ruchir Sharma, a non-Austrian, gets it right. He lends strong support to the Austrian position that because competition moves resources to where they best fulfill consumer demand, the government must not interfere with this process by bailing out businesses that fail.
No macroeconomics or monetary theory course is complete without introduction of the Equation of Exchange, or MV = PQ. However, this equation explains nothing, praxeologically speaking. Instead, it clouds our understanding of how money fits into our economy.
Perhaps John Maynard Keynes' best con job was convincing people that a growing economy needs inflation, lots of inflation. As David Gordon points out, however, Ludwig von Mises eloquently explained why inflation undermines the free market economy.
President-Elect Trump has been threatening tariffs against BRICS countries unless they abandon their plans to abandon the US dollar. While Trump may come off as being "tough" in his negotiations, he cannot bluster his way to a stronger dollar, thanks to reckless monetary policies.
Social critics often tell us that capitalism is contrary to the true meaning of Christmas. In truth, markets and entrepreneurs work to make Christmas more joyous and comfortable.
The state and its friends reject the scarcity principle and uphold its polar opposite, the Santa Claus principle.