Mises Wire

Top Ten Most-Read Articles in August

Here’s are the Top Ten most-read articles for August. I’m now including both Mises Daily and Mises Wire together. Some Mises Wire articles are so popular on their own, they beat out numerous featured Mises Daily articles to make the list:

1. The Unseen Consequences of Zero-Interest-Rate Policy by Ronald-Peter Stöferle

2. What Happened When One Company Set a Minimum Wage of $70,000 by Jonathan Newman

3. Economics Is Dead, and it Is Being Killed Again by Per Bylund

4. Connecticut on its Latest Cash Grab: It’s Not Greed When We Do It by Christopher Westley

5. Why Government Hates Cash by Joseph Salerno

6. Asset Price Inflation Enters Its Dangerous Late Phase by Brendan Brown

7. The Donald on the Fed (Mises Wire) by Joseph Salerno

8. Reliving the Crash of ’29 by Murray Rothbard

9. Keeping the Bubble Boom Going by Thorsten Polleit

10. Millions, Billions, Trillions: The Disaster of Socialism, Once Again (Mises Wire) by Carmen Elena Dorobăț

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