
Displaying 721 - 740 of 771
Henry Hazlitt
Here is a splendid novel by Henry Hazlitt, first published in 1951 and revised in 1966. The plot line explores the economic theories of capitalism and socialism. It begins in a fully socialist society in which the new leader, who finds himself...
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Leonard E. Read
That millions claim “the last word” on matters of political economy, and disagree as much as they do, suggests that no one has more than scratched the surface.
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Walter Block
Walter Block has for decades been one of the most effective and indefatigable defenders of libertarianism. One feature in his writing stands out, from his classic Defending the Undefendable to the present. He consistently applies the principles...
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Charles Rist
Charles Rist explores the history of gold as a monetary standard in the United States as well as conventional misconceptions during and after its implementation in US monetary policy. This book contains many of his speeches, articles, and some...
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Robert A. Nisbet
This classic occupies an interesting place in libertarian history. The author is a sociologist, one beloved by conservatives. But read closely: his view of what constitutes authority (legitimate authority) flows entirely out of the private...
Wilhelm Röpke
This book presents two essays by the late Röpke published in 1951 and 1957: “The Problem of Economic Order” and “Welfare, Freedom, and Inflation”. The justification for republishing them lies in the fact that they are still very relevant...
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Ludwig von Mises
In “Liberty and Property,” Mises demonstrates how poverty, starvation, disease, and serfdom dominated the pre-capitalist ages, and how the market brought liberation for the masses of men. Socialism, in contrast, embodies hatred for liberty and...
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Knut Wicksell
Knut Wicksell was an important thinker of the second-generation marginalist school, and here is his detailed commentary on and elaboration of the capital theory of Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk. It was first published in 1893, but did not appear in...
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Lysander Spooner
Introduction by Murray Rothbard: We are all indebted to Carl Watner for uncovering an unknown work by the great Lysander Spooner, one that managed to escape the editor of Spooner’s Collected Works. Both the title and the substance of “Vices are...
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Leonard E. Read
Vision is the blessing of foresight, but it has no chance of realization without its companion blessing, insight. In the absence of these twin attainments—each within our reach—the people perish, that is, they vegetate rather than germinate...
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F.W. Taussig
Taussig’s Introduction This book, written in 1892–1895 and published in 1896, has long been out of print. The London School of Economics (University of London) now honors me by undertaking a reprint in its series of scarce books and monographs...
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