
Displaying 261 - 280 of 773
Benjamin R. Tucker
This essay, which is the clearest statement on the subject that has ever been produced, was written by Mr. Tucker in 1886, in response to an invitation from the editor of the North American Review to furnish him a paper on Anarchism. It was...
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Friedrich A. Hayek
If you are looking to acquaint yourself with F.A. Hayek’s perspective on economic theory — beyond his business cycle and monetary studies of the inter-war years — this is the best source. The collection appeared in 1947, before he moved on...
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George Harris
From the author: I believe that a service may be rendered by going back of various theories to certain fundamental facts of human nature and human development, and thus learning what may and what may not be taken for granted. Before social and...
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Henry Hazlitt
All over the world democracy as we have come to know it seems to be either in desuetude or in disrepute. Even in the United States, while all the outward forms of democracy have been retained, Congress since the beginning of the Roosevelt...
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Leonard E. Read
Written in 1951, this is one of Leonard Read’s earliest pamphlets on what he called “the philosophy of freedom.” As was often the case in Read’s essays on spreading the message of liberty, he notes that the first step is evaluating one’s own...
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Knut Wicksell
It was this work by Swedish economist Wicksell that drew Mises’s attention to the effects of interest rate manipulation on the capital structure. This was the first to present the idea of the natural rate of interest, which Wicksell argued can...
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Gottfried Haberler
This book aims at a complete and systematic treatment of the main problems arising from international economic transactions, and it attempts, especially, to give a thorough theoretical analysis of these problems.
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Robert L. Bradley Jr.
It was Wicksell’s investigations into monetary equilibrium that intrigued some of the greatest economic minds of this century—D. A. Robertson, G. Myrdal, J. M. Keynes, L. von Mises and F. A. Hayek—during the tumultuous era of the Great...
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John V. Van Sickle
From the authors: This is an elementary introduction to a vast field. We have deliberately refrained from bringing in many of the refinements of theory and for two reasons. First of all, these refinements seem more appropriate to a text for an...
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