Michael A. Heilperin

Michael Heilperin was born in 1909 in Warsaw, Poland. He was a friend and colleague of Ludwig von Mises’s in Geneva, and his specialization was the international monetary system. He applied the Austrian theory of the business cycle along with his knowledge of the balance of payments to warn against the rise of monetary nationalism. See his literature archive.


Mises Daily Michael A. Heilperin
A new economic fallacy came of age in the course of the last prewar decade and threatens to play havoc with the future peace of the world. This fallacy consists in saying that a country’s national...


Michael A. Heilperin
Originaly published in 1947, Heilperin’s The Trade of Nations represented — in the words of the original Preface — “an attempt to re-examine the problems of international trade, finance, and money, with special reference to the tasks of peace-making
Michael A. Heilperin
This work by Michael Heilperin, a giant in the area of monetary economics, might be one of the most rare - and unique - in the history of 20th century economic thought. It is one of the few books written during the mid-century period of hyper
Michael A. Heilperin
Professor Heilperin was the outstanding monetary theorist before and after the Second World War who explained the inflation dangers associated with monetary nationalism, and called for a new international monetary system based on gold: not a gold


Michael A. Heilperin
Collectivism and interventionism emphasize the importance of national boundaries. Indeed, they make territorial expansion once more worthwhile because, within the wider area, there are more resources and a greater scope for planning, writes Michael A