
Displaying 701 - 720 of 770
Garet Garrett
No one, but no one, tells the story of the Ford Motor Company like Garet Garrett. He loved machines and technology, and the markets that create and distribute them. He loved the car and its transforming effect on society. And he lived through it...
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Butler Shaffer
Butler Shaffer has, over the course of several years, written 51 wonderful essays observing the dissolution of Western culture and civilization. They have been assembled in the The Wizards of Ozymandias a captivating work full of entertaining...
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Leonard E. Read
Civilization can mean nothing less than a society of civilized people. So how is a civilized person to be identified? A civilized person must recognize that man is at once a social and an individualistic being. Thus, he must not only be self...
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Jörg Guido Hülsmann
As the Federal Reserve and other central banks run wild, it’s time to reconsider a great work by Ludwig von Mises that is as fresh and relevant today as when it appeared a century ago. The first of Mises’s major works, Theory of Money and Credit...
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Henry Hazlitt
It’s incredible that this 1916 tutorial on how to think, by none other than Henry Hazlitt, would still hold up after all these years. But here’s why. Hazlitt was largely self-educated. He read voraciously. He trained himself to be a great...
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Robert LeFevre
From the author: A number of definitions of socialism are currently in vogue. Since there are various ways of defining this most important term, something other than a definition is in order. What is desirable is a framework of reference in...
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Nassau W. Senior
The labourers form the mass of every community. The inquiry into the causes affecting wages is, therefore, the most important branch of political economy. In the following Lectures the author proposes, first, to explain some ambiguities in the...
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Henry Hazlitt
Here is a splendid novel by Henry Hazlitt, first published in 1951 and revised in 1966. The plot line explores the economic theories of capitalism and socialism. It begins in a fully socialist society in which the new leader, who finds himself...
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