
Displaying 181 - 200 of 773
W. Stanley Jevons
Henry Hazlitt strongly recommended this book for all students of the social sciences. It had a formative influence on his life. In fact, it is the book that taught him how to think. And not only Hazlitt. William Stanley Jevons’s book was the...
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Ron Paul
A blast against central banking this powerful hasn’t been seen since the 19th century. The Fed itself has never been subjected to such a whithering critique. And it is from a man who has been fighting the Fed his entire political career. in fact...
Ludwig von Mises
“The characteristic feature of this age of destructive wars and social disintegration is the revolt against economics.” So writes Ludwig von Mises in his most thorough defense of the method and scope of economic science. In this treatise, he...
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Lord Acton
Freedom and Power collects Lord Acton’s most important writings on a theme that would define his reputation for more than a century: the corruptions of power. In addition, the reader learns from his love of liberty as the great creative force in...
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John Bates Clark
John Bates Clark was an American adherent of the Marginalist School who engaged the Austrians and learned from them. He delivered many blows against the Historical School in favor of the idea of pure theory. He was also one of the first...
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Faustino Ballvé
Faustino Ballvé was a remarkable thinker and economist, educated in Spain and England and teaching and practicing law in Mexico City. He was there when Ludwig von Mises came to speak on a lecture tour. The talks that Ballvé heard sparked a new...
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Henry Hazlitt
Henry Hazlitt did the seemingly impossible, something that was and is a magnificent service to all people everywhere. He wrote a line-by-line commentary and refutation of one of the most destructive, fallacious, and convoluted books of the...
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