It is obvious from his review of my book that J.H. Huebert holds me in genuine high esteem. This saddens him all the more for, in his view, I have squandered my talents on so unworthy a topic as Restoring the Lost Constitution: The Presumption of Liberty, which he characterizes as “an unfortunate waste of talent for a powerful mind such as Randy Barnett’s”. While there is much that I disagree with in Huebert’s review, in this Reply I will focus on one crucial respect in which he misunderstands my thesis. This concerns the concept of constitutional legitimacy I develop and defend in my book.
Libertarianism and Legitimacy: A Reply to Huebert

Barnett, Randy E. “Libertarianism and Legitimacy: A Reply to Huebert.” Journal of Libertarian Studies 19, No. 4 (2005): 71–78.