Trump’s Revival of Lincoln’s “Colonization” Plan
Both Trump and Lincoln treat a group of people as lepers—i.e., Palestinians and blacks—who should be removed from society and denied property rights in their own country
Both Trump and Lincoln treat a group of people as lepers—i.e., Palestinians and blacks—who should be removed from society and denied property rights in their own country
The Technocracy Movement was an offshoot of progressivism, and adherents believed that science and technology were the keys to creating a new Utopia. Not surprisingly, this “Utopia” was anti-individual freedom.
Modern progressives believe that one can only be loyal to one‘s nation by being loyal to the central government. Yet, American history shows that the “nation” is not the state but rather the community to which one belongs.
There are more federal grantees and contractors at NGOs and private firms than there are “official” federal workers. These faux “private“ jobs must be cut also.
What determines currency exchange rates? While “experts” present a number of theories such as trade balance, the most important factor is the purchasing power of the currencies in question.
In his inaugural address, President Donald Trump promised a “revolution of common sense.” However, one area of US government policy that has lacked “common sense” for more than a century is how this government deals with other nations. It‘s time for a change.
Things aren‘t going as planned. Inflation just rose to an 18-month high, and the Fed has stopped saying that it‘s making “progress toward the 2 percent objective.”
While Rothbard offers a focused economic analysis that situates the crisis within a broader theoretical framework, Browning gives readers a sense of what it felt like to live through the crisis.
Osama bin Laden never commanded an army, but he managed to militarily and economically defeat the US by enticing its government to waste trillions of dollars with foolish military ventures in the Middle East and elsewhere.
Much of the world‘s financial system is undergirded by the false claim that US government bonds are “risk-free.” The truth is that all is not well when it comes to banking and finance.