The State’s Cargo Cult Economics
Watching the Federal Reserve's inflationary “strategy” of enacting repeated “stimulus” and creating asset bubbles, one is reminded of the “Cargo Cult” in the South Pacific after the end of World War II.
Watching the Federal Reserve's inflationary “strategy” of enacting repeated “stimulus” and creating asset bubbles, one is reminded of the “Cargo Cult” in the South Pacific after the end of World War II.
The Fed is desperate for you to think that "this time is different." Unfortunately, Powell can't seem to come up with an explanation of why that is the case.
The Fed’s specialty is propaganda through data, with a long record of failure. This is by design. Their communication tools must work in overtime, particularly in the face of a decision like this, to avoid “spooking markets”, though this veneer is easy to see through.
Banking systems around the world have huge effects on our lives, yet few people understand how banks work. Worse yet, even fewer understand the malign powers of central banks and how this system undermines economies. Thus, it is important to demystify these systems.
The Federal Reserve seems to have finally committed to, but has not yet begun its “rate cutting cycle” of lower interest rates, specifically the Federal Funds Rate, or policy rate.
The Federal Reserve wants to be perceived as coming to the economy's rescue, but the Fed can't save you. Mark shares some insights from Austrian Business Cycle Theory.
Contrary to myths of “Fed independence,” the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department work closely together to keep monetary inflation going nonstop.
A few years ago, the leftist publication The Intercept claimed that inflation only hurts the “one percent,” but is “good” for everyone else. The truth is much different, as the Fed’s inflationary policies have benefited the politically-connected crony class.
Price inflation is never caused by greed. It's always caused by a growing money supply. The money supply has grown big-time since 2020, and now we pay a lot more for food and housing.
A few years ago, the leftist publication The Intercept claimed that inflation only hurts the “one percent,” but is “good” for everyone else. The truth is much different, as the Fed’s inflationary policies have benefited the politically-connected crony class.