Mises Wire

The Week in Review: January 23, 2016

The Week in Review: January 23, 2016

Fear is in the air. Central bankers are warning of crisis, stock markets are falling, and even the media is realizing  that the economy may not be as stable as our central planners would have us believe. Of course, while mainstream economists fear the falling prices that are on the horizon in our post-boom world, Austrians know that deflation and recessions are both inevitable and necessary when the economy is based on debt and fiat money.

Dr. Mark Thornton joined Jeff Deist on Mises Weekends to dive deeper on the current economic headlines. Why don’t central bankers understand deflation? A they really Keynesians or some variant thereof? What might a “crack-up boom” look like? And what does the Skyscraper Index tell us about the future of the global economy?

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This is an episode you won’t want to miss.

And in case you missed any of them, here are this week’s featured Mises Daily articles and some of our most popular articles at Mises Wire:

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