Mises Wire

Hoppe support letter from R.J. Stove (Australia)

Hoppe support letter from R.J. Stove (Australia)

Dear Dr. Alden and Dr. Robins:

Hans-Hermann Hoppe’s exceptional erudition, scholarship, and intelligence are a matter of public record, and have been for years. He is one of the very few academics of whom it can be said that his thinking has changed lives (including the lives of readers whom he has never even met) for the good.

Those of us around the world who are among America’s most devoted friends - and who especially value American freedom of speech, so different from the soft-totalitarian tyranny prevailing in our own nations - would consider it reprehensible if Professor Hoppe’s scholarly achievements were to be sacrificed on the altar of politically correct squeamishness, wherever that altar may be located.

Yours sincerely,

R. J. Stove, Gardenvale (Melbourne), Victoria, Australia

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