Mises Wire

Crime does Pay — Better Than The State

Crime does Pay — Better Than The State

You rarely learn anything from TV except for its incredible lack of reality and its delight in delivering statist messages.

But the other night was an exception. I learned something. The History channel was relating a lottery scandal of some years back in Pennsylvania.. Not surprisingly, lottery officials were bribed so that 3 specific numbers would show up: 3 numbers that would reward the clairvoyants who chose these very numbers. Such are the foundations of the game we call the lottery. Not much skill (except that of prophecy) is required to lull the dreams of contestants. Corruption of such dreams is an old story.

Humanity loves to gamble. I’m sure that there was a pool on that 40 day floating crap game they called Noah’s ark — a pool as to the number of sequential soggy days. And maybe a second to see which passenger, animal or human would crack first and eat up his neighbor.

But what was surprising about the History Channel show was the revelation, that alongside it, the historic Mafia-sponsored numbers racket hummed on as efficient as ever. It persisted. But waitaminute, why did this inexplicable parallel — legal vs illegal — exist? Who would play the mob’s game when you could play with the clean-cut minions of the state?

Why didn’t the hoods close up shop, when betting on those 3 little numbers became as respectable as laying a tenner on the church collection plate? The answer stared me in the face but intellectually I turned away. THE CROOKS PAID BETTER THAN THE STATE!!

Yes. You got a better deal from the guys with bulging shoulder holsters than from those with bulging briefcases full of your money. Surprising? Didn’t Bastiat say the state was best at plunder?

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