
Displaying 221 - 240 of 773
Isabel Paterson
Paterson’s best known work is her 1943 book The God of the Machine, which at that time was the preeminent individualist manifesto. In Reason, Stephen Cox writes: The God of the Machine remains a classic of individualist thought. But it is not a...
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Edwin Walter Kemmerer
Edwin Walter Kemmerer is one of the unsung heroes of the 20th century. A professor of economics at Princeton, he was known as the “money doctor” between the wars, helping countries to establish and maintain strong currencies between 1923 and...
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Hans F. Sennholz
This book summarily rejects the statist monetary orthodoxy. Its nine writers are in full agreement that money is not the product of a legislative act, but the inevitable result of man’s division of labor and exchange economy. Wherever...
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Ron Paul
This book is a quick read that covers the whole history of monetary destruction, providing information that most people have never heard or thought about. In that sense, it is the perfect conversation starter, and it could inspire more reading...
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Leon Say
For an those who have related to us his life, who have collected with a pious care his most trifling sayings, his slightest writings, Turgot is a great mind, one of the greatest minds of the eighteenth century, the greatest, perhaps, next to...
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Garet Garrett
Garet Garrett wrote one last, and truly spectacular, novel called Harangue (The Trees Said to the Bramble Come Reign Over Us). The words are from the Bible (Judges 9:15, and the metaphor here refers to the strange penchant of the rich to fund...
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Leonard E. Read
Who are we as individuals? How does a possible Creator or Source fit into the subject of human liberty? Leonard E. Read delves into these topics that have been pondered about throughout the centuries. Together with quotes from timeless authors...
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John Humphrey Noyes
From the author: The object of this book is to help the study of Socialism by the inductive method. It is, first and chiefly, a collection of facts; and the attempts at interpretation and generalization which are interspersed, are secondary and...
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Charles Rist
From the author: This is not a work of erudition. I have tried to give the history, not of books or of men, but of ideas. At all times the problems of credit and of money have excited controversies in which there have been apparent, from the...
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