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In 1932, John T. Flynn had begun to rethink his old-style “progressivism” to develop intellectually into a defender of markets as against the regimentation of government management. A first product of these steps is this classic and extraordinary full biography of John D. Rockefeller. In this highly sympathetic portrayal, Flynn shows how Rockefeller employed the tools of capitalism to become enormously rich in the service of others, and how this unleashed the most unexpected backlash from anti-capitalists of all sorts, culminating in the breakup of Standard Oil. He saw that this was done at the behest of Rockefeller’s competition, and not in the public interest. It was the first and probably still the best biography of an American original.

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John T. Flynn was a journalist, author, and master polemicist of the Old Right. He started out as a liberal columnist for that flagship of American liberalism, the New Republic, and wound up on the Right, denouncing “creeping socialism.” What is unusual about Flynn is that instead of being seduced by the New Deal and the Popular Front into supporting the war, Flynn was led by his thoroughgoing antiwar stance to challenge the developing state worship of modern liberalism. Flynn’s essential insight — that the threat to America is not to be found in any foreign capitol, but in Washington, D.C.
Harcourt, Brace, and Company, 1932.