Full Reserve Banking versus the Real Bills Doctrine

Philipp Bagus

In Full Reserve Banking versus the Real Bills Doctrine, Philipp Bagus defends Austrian monetary theory and full reserve banking against the real bills doctrine. Responding to economist Juan Ramón Rallo’s critique of Ludwig von Mises’s The Theory of Money and Credit in Una crítica a la teoría monetaria de Mises, Bagus demonstrates that Mises’s supposed errors are not errors at all. He mercilessly dismantles Rallo’s proposed alternative theory of money point by point. Bagus shows that only by abandoning the aberrations of real bills doctrine, fractional reserve banking, and Feketian liquidity theory and adopting Austrian monetary theory will the economic discipline be able to advance in reaching a true understanding of monetary phenomena.

Full Reserve Banking versus the Real Bills Doctrine
Meet the Author
Philipp Bagus
Philipp Bagus

Philipp Bagus is professor at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. He is a Fellow of the Mises Institute, an IREF scholar, and the author of numerous books including In Defense of Deflation and The Tragedy of the Euro, and is coauthor of Blind Robbery!, Small States. Big Possibilities.: Small States Are Simply Better!, and Deep Freeze: Iceland’s Economic Collapse.

Philipp Bagus
In Full Reserve Banking versus the Real Bills Doctrine, Philipp Bagus defends Austrian monetary theory and full reserve banking against the real bills doctrine. Responding to economist Juan Ramón Rallo’s critique of Ludwig von Mises’s The Theory of
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