Past Events

Auburn, Alabama

Mises University is the world's leading instructional program in the Austrian school of economics.

Salem, New Hampshire

Join Jeff Deist, Dr. Keith Smith, economist Ben Powell, and others for the most important free-market health event of the year!

Auburn, Alabama

The Rothbard Graduate Seminar provides an intense study of Misesian and Rothbardian economic analysis, along with the substantive conclusions of that research in related fields.

Birmingham, Alabama

Join Professor Thomas DiLorenzo and Jeff Deist for a special Mises Meetup to discuss the politics and economics of Covid lockdowns.

Auburn, Alabama

The Austrian Economics Research Conference is the international, interdisciplinary meeting of the Austrian school, bringing together leading scholars doing research in this vibrant and influential intellectual tradition.

Jekyll Island, Georgia

Join us for our 2020 Supporters Summit, October 8–10, at the historic Jekyll Island Club Resort on Jekyll Island, Georgia.


Virtual Mises University is the online counterpart to the Mises University conference and can be attended by anyone.

Auburn, Alabama

Mises University is the world's leading instructional program in the Austrian school of economics.

Auburn, Alabama

The Rothbard Graduate Seminar provides an intense study of Misesian and Rothbardian economic analysis, along with the substantive conclusions of that research in related fields.

Birmingham, Alabama

Join Dr. Patrick Newman and Jeff Deist for a special Mises Meetup gathering in Birmingham, Alabama.

Palais Coburg

Mises Institute Austria, in cooperation with Institute for Austrian Asset Management and Palais Coburg, is hosting a celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the publishing of Human Action.

Los Angeles, California

Join us for a celebration of Mises and his work in Los Angeles!