CBDC: The Impacts on Freedom, Privacy, and Economic Development
The implementation of Central Bank Digital Currencies isn‘t just about money. It also is about personal freedom and how CBDCs give the government enormous powers over individuals.
The implementation of Central Bank Digital Currencies isn‘t just about money. It also is about personal freedom and how CBDCs give the government enormous powers over individuals.
For the first time since the war began, a senior US official criticized Ukraine’s use of conscripts. This is overdue, as conscription is one of the worst tyrannies a government can impose on the people under it, and Americans have now been forced to support it for years.
Whatever method of privatization is chosen, it would result in depriving the US regime of its stolen gold hoard. This is long overdue.
People commonly believe that our society couldn‘t survive without an all-powerful state making sure everything runs properly. Yet, if one takes a hard look at that belief, it soon becomes obvious that government destroys society.
When one thinks of Jeffersonian Democrats, the founding of the US comes to mind. However, the Jeffersonian ideals were held well into the 1860s by people who believed that the states created the union, not the other way around.
Joe Sobran was one of my greatest friends, and I often thought about him over this past week, because February 23 was the anniversary of his
The breakdown of the freedom of association, especially in the form of anti-discrimination law, is a main reason why social acrimony has so increased in our time.
The rereading of Atlas was ... important to the cult because the wooden, posturing, and one-dimensional heroes and heroines were explicitly supposed to serve as role models for every Randian.
Guido Hülsmann joins Bob to explore the newly digitized Ludwig von Mises archives at Grove City College, revealing lost correspondence, Mises’ personal battles against socialism, and more.
More than a century ago, Congress created the Federal Reserve System to intervene in the American economy. Not even the biggest critics of the central bank‘s formation could have predicted the economic disasters it brought about.