The Fed’s Fiat Money Is the Real Cause of Price Inflation
Politicians say "greedflation," and profits are what fuels rising prices, but the real culprit is fiat money creation fueled by the central bank.
Politicians say "greedflation," and profits are what fuels rising prices, but the real culprit is fiat money creation fueled by the central bank.
Modern mainstream economics bases its theories on utilitarianism. Murray Rothbard, on the other hand, saw economic law as based in natural law. Furthermore, he rejected the legal positivism of our age, again deferring to the law of nature.
While the Ukrainian incursion in Russia’s Kursk region is dramatic, the operation does not change the fact that the Ukrainian position in future talks with Russia continues to grow weaker and weaker.
In its fight against the Mormons of Utah Territory, we see how Washington began to impose federal rule directly on Americans at the point of a bayonet.
Even though homeschooling is growing in this country and the educational results are overwhelmingly positive, US progressive journalists naturally believe homeschooling is dangerous and in need of “oversight.”
It has been nearly 80 years since US aircraft dropped two atomic bombs on Japanese cities, but today, nations stockpiled with nuclear weapons engage in reckless foreign policies. It is time to recognize the danger irresponsible western governments pose to everyone else.
Keynesians believe that if there is a bout of inflation, central banks can slowly guide the economy to a “soft landing” which minimizes unemployment and income losses. Such policies, however, only lead to further boom-and-bust scenarios.
Harris promises to reduce prices by printing more money, reducing competition, and attacking businesses. Welcome to the US version of Argentina's “Peronism.”
From 1949 to 1962, American libertarian R.C. Hoiles and Ludwig von Mises corresponded many times, discussing issues relating to state power. While the correspondence at times was acrimonious, nonetheless, it offered valuable insight into the issues we still face.
A recurring myth among progressives is that the state can enforce "fairness." However, given that government cannot even effectively define fairness, one doubts that the state can "enforce" what it doesn't know.