Power & Market

What Happens in a Mixed Economy?

Richard Feynman, one of the greatest physicists of the 20th century, used to say: “Imagine how much harder physics would be if electrons had feelings.” This witty remark invites us to reflect on the difference between the immutable laws of nature and human behavior—always unpredictable, emotional, and diverse. But what happens when we try to impose centralized hegemonic control over millions of people who act according to their own interests and emotions?

Here comes Javier Milei’s definition of the market:

The market is a system of voluntary cooperation, where individuals freely exchange property rights, seeking to mutually improve their well-being. This decentralized interaction of exchanges of goods and services allows resources to be allocated efficiently, continuously, and dynamically adapting to people’s needs and preferences.

However, politicians and economic planners, when trying to direct the economy from a hegemonic center of power, face an insurmountable challenge: they do not possess the dispersed and inarticulable information that individuals manage in their daily decisions. Friedrich Hayek called this “the knowledge problem,” and Feynman, with his brilliant analogy, takes it to the extreme: if electrons were as unpredictable as humans, physics would be absolute chaos.

In economics, that “chaos” is precisely what socialist planners (of all parties) face. They attempt to impose a rigid structure on a system that, by nature, is fluid and spontaneous. Escohotado diagnosed it masterfully: “Centralized socialist planning is like decreeing a massive cerebral infarction.”

Forcing people to act under a scheme designed by bureaucrats not only annihilates individual freedom but also causes inefficiencies, shortages, misallocation of resources, destroys economic calculation, and ultimately leads to poverty. The market, when operating freely, solves these problems because each decision is informed by the local, vast, dispersed, and inarticulable knowledge of participants, which constantly changes, is destroyed, and is created anew.

History offers numerous examples of the failures of centralized planning: chronic shortages in the Soviet Union, hyperinflation in Venezuela, or price controls that end up generating black markets. All these phenomena are a direct consequence of ignoring the fundamental principle of the market: the freedom to choose and voluntarily cooperate.

In today’s mixed economies, governments do not aim for total control but rather something more insidious: a constant accumulation of regulations and interventions aimed at “correcting” supposed market failures. These interventions include attempts to redistribute wealth through confiscatory taxes that alter the temporal preferences of economic agents, pushing them toward consumption and paralyzing investment; labor market regulations with minimum wages and restrictive laws that destroy jobs (or block their creation); housing market controls with rent caps and dozens of interventions that kill supply; manipulation of the energy sector under the pretext of climate change through bans, subsidies, tolls, taxes, or restrictions; excessive regulation in the banking system trying to control interest rates and the money supply, artificially altering relative prices, provoking recurrent cycles of boom and bust, and so on.

Each new regulation arises as a response to the failures of previous interventions in an endless cycle that increases the system’s instability. For the average citizen, standing at ground level, the trees block the view of the forest. They fail to perceive the origin of the instability. And politicians—instead of admitting that the market works better when it operates freely—refuse to publicly acknowledge their mistakes and choose to add more controls, perpetuating intervention. This path inevitably leads to the chaos of a fully planned system, where bureaucracy replaces individual freedom. Gradually, a socialist model—disguised as a “mixed economy”—takes hold.
Far from stabilizing the system, this interventionist model is a bridge to economic stagnation, real inequality, and, ultimately, the loss of prosperity. The market, in its free essence, remains the only solution for achieving a balance between efficiency, justice, and progress.

Does all this mean that a pure free economy is the only stable system? Here Rothbard weighs in, answering:

Praxeologically, yes; psychologically, the issue is in doubt. The unhampered market is free of self-created economic problems; it furnishes the greatest abundance consistent with man’s command over nature at any given time. But those who yearn for power over their fellows, or who wish to plunder others, as well as those who fail to comprehend the praxeological stability of the free market, may well push the society back on the hegemonic road.

And Rothbard continues:

Such are the laws that praxeology presents to the human race. They are a binary set of consequences: the workings of the market principle and of the hegemonic principle. The former breeds harmony, freedom, prosperity, and order; the latter produces conflict, coercion, poverty, and chaos. Such are the consequences between which mankind must choose. In effect, it must choose between the “society of contract” and the “society of status.” At this point, the praxeologist as such retires from the scene; the citizen—the ethicist—must now choose according to the set of values or ethical principles he holds dear.

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Note: The views expressed on Mises.org are not necessarily those of the Mises Institute.
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