Power & Market

A New Documentary about Carl Menger

Carl Menger was an early proponent of the subjective theory of value and an early pioneer of the Austrian School of Economics. No understanding of the Austrian School and Ludwig von Mises’s work is complete without an understanding of the School’s foundations in Menger’s work. Last month, the Polish Mises Institute released, on its YouTube channel, a new documentary about Carl Menger.


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 The documentary is largely in English and includes subtitles when other languages are used. At one hour and 44 minutes, this is a thorough treatment of the topic, and includes loads of information on the historical context of the time, the Austrian School’s detractors—such as the Schmollerites—and many aspects of Menger’s personal commitment to sound economics. 

Note: The views expressed on Mises.org are not necessarily those of the Mises Institute.
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