Human Action Conference 2024


We are excited for you to join us virtually for our Human Action Conference celebrating the 75th anniversary of Ludwig von Mises’s masterpiece. This page is the digital version of the event held at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama. Here you will find the event schedule, live video, audio and video recordings, lecture slides, and information about the presenters. We are very happy to have you following along online with the on-campus attendees.

Governments Could Stop Inflating If They Wanted. But They Won’t.

Price inflation is no coincidence. It is a policy. Governments, along with their so-called experts, attempt to persuade you that price inflation stems from anything other than the consistent, albeit slower, rise in aggregate prices year after year. Issuing more currency than the private sector demands, thus eroding its purchasing power and creating a constant annual transfer of wealth from real wages and deposit savings to the government.

Required Reading: 25th Anniversary Rothbard Graduate Seminar

Listed and linked below are the readings that all students must complete before attending RGS. 

All materials are available on free of charge, and most readings are available in multiple formats (e.g., PDF, ePub, HTML, audio). Complimentary physical copies of the readings will be available to attendees upon arrival at RGS. Physical copies can be mailed in advance to U.S. addresses upon request by emailing