Mises Wire

Top Ten Most-Read Mises Wire Articles in 2016

Mises.org continues to be one of the most high-traffic economics and commentary sites on the web, read by millions every year.

In 2016, we published more than 1,000 new original articles in our online publication Mises Wire, with total readers increasing 34% from 2015 to 2016, while total sessions — each visit to the site which can include visits to multiple articles — increased by 32 percent.

Of all the great articles we published this year, here are the Top Ten most read on Mises.org:

  1. Laura Hillier, RIP by Joseph T. Salerno 
  2. FBI: US Homicide Rate at 51-Year Low by Ryan McMaken
  3. The Lack of EpiPen Competitors is the FDA’s Fault by Jonathan Newman
  4. Spain Is without a National Government — And Spaniards Are Digging It by Joseph T. Salerno
  5. Secede and Decentralize: An Open Letter to Clinton Supporters by Justin Murray
  6. Let’s Expand the Electoral College by Ryan McMaken
  7. Why Hillary Clinton Wasn’t Indicted by Ryan McMaken
  8. Venezuela’s Bizarre System of Exchange Rates by Emiliana Disilvestro and David Howden
  9. The Real Reason to Oppose the Dakota Access Pipeline by Ryan McMaken
  10. Is the Auto Loan Bubble Ready to Pop? by Tommy Behnke
Image Source: iStock
Note: The views expressed on Mises.org are not necessarily those of the Mises Institute.
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