Mises Wire

Tips for Submitting Your ‘Mises Wire’ Article

Tips for Submitting Your ‘Mises Wire’ Article

[Revised June 18, 2019]

Are you interested in submitting an article for publication at Mises Wire?

Here are the basic guidelines.

1. Please use the phrase “Mises Wire submission” in your subject line. Feel free to add a few words about the topic, but be sure the phrase “Mises Wire submission” is in there.

2. Please do not include more than one article per email. If you have more than one article to submit, send them all in separate emails. 

3. Format your article as a standard column. It should be 700 to 1500 words. Exceptions are made when articles are extraordinarily informative or entertaining. But if you want your article quickly read, edited, and published, I strongly recommend keeping it within length guidelines. The easier it is to read, the more likely it is to be edited quickly and posted quickly.

4. Get to the point quickly. Don’t force the reader to endure several paragraphs of introductory material before the purpose and topic of the article finally become clear.

5. Subject matter should be timely and interesting. That means it’s interesting to a broad group of readers, including those who are not hard-core devout free marketers and libertarians. This definitely doesn’t mean you have to be moderate or milquetoast. (Radicalism is good.) But your column has to be understandable, plausible, and (hopefully) convincing to people who aren’t already in agreement with you. Also, we only publish a few articles per day, so articles that are timely and relevant and time-sensitive move faster up the queue and are published faster. Philosophical musings with no particular connection to topical matters will probably take longer to make it to the front page.

6. It’s best to link to any article you refer to in your article, and it’s best to support your factual claims and material with links to sources. It’s also good to link to previously-published articles and material on mises.org. Don’t try to re-invent the wheel. Consider what’s already been said on the topic by Mises Institute scholars and others.

7. In-text url links are better for referencing sources. Sometimes footnotes can’t be avoided, but please keep footnotes to a minimum, as they are more time-consuming to format and edit. Articles that are easier to edit make it to the front page faster.

8. Your article in general should be rich in examples and factual material. Having an opinion isn’t enough. Your opinion must be based on facts and sound analysis. 

9. Your article should be organized in such a way that people can read it quickly and easily without having to labor over it to figure out your point. Don’t use lots of big words and long, complex sentences. Don’t use your articles to show your readers how intelligent you think you are.

10. If your article runs long and becomes unfocused, split it into two or three articles. I’m happy to publish more than one article by you if each one makes the grade. 

11. There are no “certification” requirements for authors. That is, you don’t need a degree in economics, or be famous, or anything like that, to be published in Mises Wire. You just need to write a good article. 

12. The best way to get a sense of what is best for Mises Wire is to read a lot of recent Mises Wire articles.

Send submissions to me.

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