Mises Wire

Pharmaceuticals Strike Back

Pharmaceuticals Strike Back

It appears as though my prediction that pharmaceutical companies would cease to sell to Canadian pharmacies that export to the United States has come true. Today’s Wall Street Journal Reports ($):

     “Canadian internet pharmacies are refusing to back down as big drug makers intensify their battle to block exports of cut-price drugs to the U.S. from Canada.

      But the pharmacies say the drug makers’ clampdown is making it harder to obtain medicines for resale and is likely to lead to fewer bargains for Americans.

     Outfits such as Ken Clark’s Sun Valley Pharmacy in the province of Manitoba are refusing to sign on with last week’s directive by Pfizer Inc., which ordered 46 Canadian pharmacies to buy directly from the drug company, instead of through wholesalers, and agree not to ship products south of the border. Pfizer said it would cut off supplies to any pharmacy that didn’t comply.”

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