Mises Wire

My Zestiest Epigrams of 2024

* In Washington, anyone who doesn’t worship government is considered an extremist. (N.Y. Post, January 20)

*The more power politicians capture, the more flattery they hear, and the more deluded they usually become. (FFF, December)

*Politics nowadays is a horror show that never ends. (recurrent theme on podcasts, etc.)

*Zealots believe lofty SAT scores give the Washington elite a divine right to run everyone else’s lives. (Mises Institute, November 7)

*Inflation epitomizes how federal statistics can be a weapon of mass deception. (N.Y. Post, April 11)

*Since the FBI didn’t intend to trample Americans’ rights and liberties, it was a no-fault error — actually, millions of no-fault errors. (FFF, March)

*Most Washington journalists’ knowledge of history doesn’t extend further back than Taylor Swift’s first best-selling album. (Mises Institute, November 7)

*Nixon famously asserted, “I am not a crook.” Will Biden achieve equal notoriety for proclaiming, “I am not mentally incompetent”? (N.Y. Post, February 8)

*Cast the first stone? Who amongst us have not stored notebooks full of top secret information underneath their TV, as President Biden did in Delaware? (N.Y. Post, February 8)

*A pardon for Hunter is as certain as Joe Biden’s next verbal hairball. (N.Y. Post/YouTube, September 9, 2024)

*Pledging “freedom from fear” entitles politicians to seize power over anything that frightens anyone. “Freedom from fear” offers freedom from everything except the government. (Mises Institute, October 14)

*How many more official cover-ups can self-government survive? (Fox News, October 24)

*Being appointed Secretary of Agriculture is like giving somebody a ticket to ride a barrel over Niagara Falls. (Alan Mosley Podcast, November 6)

*In a democracy, as long as enough people can be frightened, almost everyone can be subjugated. (Libertarian Institute, May 13)

*Biden sought to convert America into a Drop Box Democracy where minimal efforts by voters automatically conferred maximum power to politicians. (American Conservative, October 20)

*The media portrays the 2024 presidential race as a choice of Hitler or Joan of Arc. But it isn’t that simple. (Salt Lake City radio, August 1) 

*Are Americans heading for another “Alice in Wonderland” election — votes first, evidence later? (N.Y. Post, May 17) 

*The 2024 presidential race became a Keystone Kops race, as Kamala Harris’s lackeys rushed to vaporize her past faster than voters recognized her deceits. (N.Y. Post, July 30) 

*This is the third presidential election in a row where the Washington elite screamed RUSSIA! RUSSIA! to shroud their own machinations. (American Conservative, October 31)

*Washingtonians presume the First Amendment is archaic because Americans have become village idiots who the feds must constantly rescue. (N.Y. Post, March 19)

*Will the Supreme Court’s refusal to stop federal censorship be a wooden stake in the heart of American democracy? (N.Y. Post, June 27)

*Americans have no idea how many muzzles and blindfolds were secretly attached by federal agencies prior to Election Day. (RealClearPolicy, October 18)

*Endless vote-buying schemes will be an economic wrecking ball, unleashing perpetual political warfare guaranteed to make America poorer. (N.Y. Post, September 26)

*“No boondoggle left behind” was the Biden administration’s motto. (Libertarian Institute, December 14)

* The efforts to “save democracy” become more perverse with every election. (American Conservative, October 31)

*Julian Assange was guilty of violating the US government’s divine right to blindfold the American people. (American Conservative, March 28)

*Tartuffe is the patron saint of the National Prayer Breakfast where politicians gather to silently pray that the Lord will destroy all their enemies — or at least get them indicted. (N.Y. Post, February 2)

* President Biden derided the unvaxxed as aspiring mass murderers who only wanted “the freedom to kill you” with covid. (N.Y. Post, July 3)

*Federal secrecy signed a death warrant for thousands of Americans. (Libertarian Institute, December 2)

*Uncle Sam’s covid cons filled a million American caskets. (N.Y. Post, December 27)

*“Will of the people” is one of those intellectual circus-shell games in which freedom almost always gets screwed. (Libertarian Institute, November 4)

*The only way to assume that President Biden is not “above the law” is to assume that his decrees are the law. (N.Y. Post, January 6)

*Idealism long since surpassed patriotism as the last refuge of a scoundrel. (Libertarian Institute, August 26)

*When did preventing election fraud become a violation of the Voting Rights Act? (American Conservative, October 20)

*Democracy cannot survive power worship. (FFF, December)

*Psychiatry is ruining more lives than ever before. Therapists are hollowing out the American character, generation by generation. (Libertarian Institute, May 13)

*I learned how to smell a policy rat. (Libertarian Institute, December 14)

*Do I look like a Russian propagandist?!? (American Conservative, October 31)

*I have enough shams in my life without some politician pretending to be my friend. (Mises Institute, October 14)

I want to heartily thank the excellent editors who published the articles with those zesty lines, including Bill Anderson of the Mises Institute, Hunter DeRensis of the Libertarian Institute, Kelly Torrance, Stephen Lynch, Mary Kay Linge, and Mark Cunningham of the New York Post, Jude Russo of the American Conservative, and Jacob Hornberger of the Future of Freedom Foundation.

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