Mises Wire

Mea Culpa

Mea Culpa

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, the day reserved for giving thanks and feasting. In Ohio, at least, another day may be reserved in the future: a day for apologizing to the state. In 2006, an Ohio hunter shot a deer out-of-season. It doesn’t matter whose property the deer was on, all deer in Ohio are the assumed property of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. Nor does it matter that the deer population in the state is exploding as fewer hunters choose to pay the ever-increasing fee for a hunting license. Just this week, the hunter was sentenced. Besides 20 days, a $3400 fine, and 150 hours of community service, this man has to write a letter of apology to the department. I am certain that we all have offended the ideals and sensibilities of some state department during the past year. We, therefore, need to apologize for our actions. It’s the right thing to do. For no particular reason at all, let’s designate December 1 as Mea Culpa: the day of state apology. Please write at least one letter of apology, I’ll even start you off: Dear Department of ___________: In recognition of Mea Culpa, please forgive me for _________. I sincerely apologize that my actions have offended you. Sincerely, ____________________

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