Mises Wire

Judge Denson’s A Century of War in German Translation

John V. Denson’s A Century of War (2006) is an important contribution to revisionist history. In the book, Judge Denson analyzes the provocative policies of Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, and Franklin Roosevelt. Each of these presidents concealed from the public his bellicose intentions. The book attracted the attention of Gerd Schultze-Rhonhof, a retired Major General in the German Army and the author of 1939: The War That  Had Many Fathers. He translated the book into German, and it has been published under the title Sie sagten Freiden und meinten Krieg: Die US-Präsidenten Lincoln, Wilson, und Roosevelt (They Called It Peace and Meant War: The US Presidents Lincoln, Wilson, and Roosevelt.) http://www.amazon.de/sagten-Frieden-meinten-Krieg-US-Pr%C3%A4sidenten/dp/3806112347 The translation has already sold 4,000 copies.

The author with the new translation: 

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