Mises Wire

Dr. No in the Senate, Too

Federal Building

And now, there are three, and all happen (?) to be MDs. First, there was obstetrician Ron Paul from Texas. Then, as I noted in a recent posting, Dr. Paul Broun of Georgia, also in the House of Representatives with (Ron) Paul.

Now, I learn (politics buffs will have known of him for a long time) of Dr. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, vying explicitly (a sign saying “NO” is said to hang in his office) for the title, and very handsomely at that, as this NY Times article details.

What is it about doctors and negative (that is, desirable) politics? The doctors I know, who aren’t politicians, don’t strike me as particularly negative, at least relative to me, a very negative patient as they gently tell me. If the only way to get a judiciously negative politician onto Capitol Hill is to elect a doctor, then I guess we need 462 more physicians in Congress.

I’d do it in a heartbeat – even if I had to send my very own cardiologist!

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