Mises Wire

David Sanz Bas Named New Dean of Social Science & Law at Catholic University of Avila

Congratulations to former Mises Fellow David Sanz Bas for being named the new Dean of Social Science & Law at Catholic University of Avila!

See Sanz Bas’s QJAE article “Hayek’s Critique of The General Theory: A New View of the Debate between Hayek and Keynes“  

Hayek is seen as one of the main opponents of Keynes because of the debate about macroeconomics that they had in the early thirties. A few years after this controversy, Keynes published The General Theory (1936), and Hayek was expected to criticize Keynes’ new model. But, surprisingly, Hayek decided to remain silent and let his opponent go unchallenged. He regretted it ever after. However, this paper argues that in Hayek’s work after 1936, there is a criticism of The General Theory that to a certain extent has remained unnoticed. Thus, this approach reopens the great debate between Hayek and Keynes just where they had apparently left it, that is, after the publication of The General Theory.


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