Mises Wire

Another Take on a Mises Song

Another Take on a Mises Song

At the Mises University this year, there will be another performance of “Mises: The Musical“ that will feature some changes from the last performance, though they won’t be as substantial as the ones made by Daniel D’Amico in this innovative version of the Mises Circle song: “Mr. Stonier and Mr. Sweezy.” The original in German tells the story of two socialists who visited the Mises circle. The English edition preserves the original melody (of course).

Here is the D’Amico R&B remix,--performed by his band called The Rothbardians--and the words follow below. No wonder he is also a member of the MisesCreants! Mr. Stonier and Mr. Sweezy

Mr. Stonier and Mr. Sweezy,

With these two the going’s easy,

That’s the feeling here in Wien.

We’re so sorry that they’re leaving,

There is no end to our grieving,

What a lovely time we’ve seen.


Mr. Sweezy came from Boston,

Didn’t worry what it cost him,

Heart aflame with one desire:

Gain some knowledge of Wien’s thinking,

(and prevent his mind from shrinking)

Far beyond his local shire.


Mr. Sweezy had many questions

But was offered one suggestion

More than worth its weight in gold:

Make your judgments on the margin

Values small and values large can

Up and change as life unfolds.


“Oh, now I am as smart as ever!”

Sweezy called with great endeavor,

“I’ll go home and you will see:

Agitation I’ll be rousing,

All of Harvard soon espousing

Marginal Utility.”


But before he bought his ticket

Sweezy’s thoughts began to picket

All decisions made that day.

Woe for numbers, formulations,

Proceeds of deft operations;

Foregone choices held at bay!


Feeling queasy, our Mr. Sweezy

Noted that it can’t be breezy,

Naming what’s of value true.

“Ach, it’s not that complicated

Values can’t be calculated,

People do just what they do.”


Mr. Stonier, spoke out at long last

Spouting notions in sharp contrast,

To the theories here esteemed.

“I was taught to be suspicious,

Such free thinking is capricious,

Oh but goodness, what a scream.”


“Sadly lacking in understanding,

Swords of knowledge I’ll be branding

When I come back in the Fall.

Seeking answers to my queries,

Cutting insights, exchanges merry,

Wisdom plenty for us all.”


Grateful for our affiliation,

Raise a glass in celebration,

Of our guests, and knowledge new.

Luck be with them on their journey,

Much success in every tourney,

Bon Voyage to you, and you!

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