
Displaying 101 - 120 of 775
Friedrich A. Hayek
A path-breaking essay by Hayek, newly in print in cooperation with the Institute of Economic Affairs, this piece first appeared in 1976, during an inflationary bout in the U.S.. Hayek saw that it was crucial to bring the forces of competition to...
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Albert Jay Nock
This collection was selected and arranged by Robert M. Thornton, who writes of it: We are not out to save the world. Neither is our aim to idolize a man or endorse every idea embraced by AJN. Nock had a way of setting ideas in motion and then...
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William Henry Chamberlin
The book attempts to set forth a reasoned case for the proposition that collectivism, both in its communist and in its fascist forms, is a false Utopia, on the basis of the demonstrable facts of the Soviet, Germany, and Italian experiments...
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Leonard E. Read
Libertarians may seem few and far between today, but they are not nearly as isolated now as they were when Leonard Read (1898–1983) was working to spread the freedom philosophy. Yet, although Read saw socialism spreading all around, he knew it...
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L. Albert Hahn
Professor Hahn, one of the greatest but least known Austrian economists of his generation, offers a fantastic refutation of Keynesian macroeconomics, including its wild obsession with effective demand, and also a systematic presentation of the...
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Israel M. Kirzner
Written the year of Mises’s death, this is the book that brought new prominence to the Austrian theory of the entrepreneur. Kirzner views him as the discoverer of opportunities in the competitive process, and contrasts this view with the general...
Sir Ernest Benn
From the author: Three things may be said about this book upon which there must, I think, be general agreement, and I mention them to save my critics trouble. The first is that the book is in bad taste, dealing as it does with matters which, by...
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