
Displaying 281 - 300 of 773
Albert Jay Nock
Here is Albert Jay Nock’s classic study on the life and thought of Thomas Jefferson, a book which draws out points other biographers have missed: his radicalism, his opposition to all centralized government, his attachment to liberty and...
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Ralph Raico
John Prince Smith was the creator of the German free trade movement and its leader from the 1840s until his death in 1874. He was born in London in 1809, and, after leaving Eton prematurely, on account of the death of his father, began working...
John Scoville
From the author: This book has been written to present the basic facts and principles in regard to labor unions and collective bargaining. I believe that most of the thinking about labor unions is based on emotionalism rather than reason. Many...
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Lord Acton
It was announced in February 1895 that John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton, first Baron Acton, had been appointed to the Chair of Regius Professor of Modern History at Cambridge in succession to the late Sir John Seeley, who had held the office...
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Knut Wicksell
Knut Wicksell was a Swedish economist who had an enormous influence on Austrian economics and Ludwig von Mises. This might be his most compelling book: lectures delivered over the course of an entire career, covering both general and specific...
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