
Displaying 321 - 340 of 773
Leonard E. Read
Wrote Alexis de Tocqueville, “Despotism may govern without faith, but Liberty cannot.” The millions of despots, now in the driver’s seat, are swayed not by faith but by that type of ignorance displayed by witch doctors or medicine men and their...
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Thomas J. DiLorenzo
DiLorenzo discusses how the Lincoln cult came into being and came to dominate national politics--and how completely far from the truth they have strayed. They have buried the reality of who he was and what he did in the service of a mythical...
Joseph T. Salerno
From The Review of Austrian Economics Vol. 4 (1990): 26–54. For the most part Ludwig von Mises’s writings on society and social evolution have been ignored by the participants in the current revivals of both Austrian economics and classical...
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Israel M. Kirzner
Israel Kirzner’s outstanding book on price theory is back in print. It is been very difficult to obtain it for decades, even though it is surely the best textbook on Austrian price theory ever written. The prose is crystal clear and the...
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Ludwig von Mises
It is an astonishing fact that a philosophy like Marxism, which attacks the whole social system, remained for many decades more or less unattacked and uncontested. Karl Marx was not very well known in his lifetime and his writings remained...
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