
Displaying 481 - 500 of 770
Murray N. Rothbard
Foreword We do not need a technocratic elite to manage the supply of money. In these three short articles, Murray N. Rothbard removes the Federal Reserve’s veil of scientific mystique to reveal a wholly unnecessary and malignant system. Rothbard...
Leonard E. Read
Individual emergence is not and never will be accomplished by imposition. Not one of the tactics effective in destructive programs is useful here; indeed, these out-going, reforming efforts do more harm than good. It is difficult enough for...
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Garet Garrett
Originally appeared serially as “The American Book of Wonder” in The Saturday Evening Post. Writes Garrett, Freedom as we know it is a condition of ego. Prosperity is a condition of things. Increase these satisfactions to any degree and there is...
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Garet Garrett
He was a defender of free enterprise who adored the magnificence of the American genius for progress. He was a champion of business who believed in profiting the old fashioned way. He was a libertarian who deplored the rise of big government. He...
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