
Displaying 521 - 540 of 770
Leonard E. Read
The motivation that drives man toward excellence comes from within. The Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, gives us the clue: “Man is on earth as in an egg. Now, you can’t go on being a good egg forever; you must either hatch or rot.” The oncoming...
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Henry Hazlitt
Long before Charles Murray took on the topic, Henry Hazlitt wrote an outstanding book on poverty that not only provided an empirical examination of the problem but also presented a rigorous theory for understanding the relationship between...
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Friedrich A. Hayek
Hayek wrote The Counter-Revolution of Science in 1952, several years before Mises wrote his final methodological treatise. It was unavailable for many years, and remains long sought after – rightly so. In fact, Mises adored this book as a...
Henry Hazlitt
Henry Hazlitt confronted the rise of Keynesianism in his day and put together an intellectual arsenal: the most brilliant economists of the time showing what is wrong with the system, in great detail with great rigor. With excerpts from books...
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Henry Hazlitt
[ Chapter 20 of The Conquest of Poverty , 1996.] The theme of this book is the conquest of poverty, not its “abolition.” Poverty can be alleviated or reduced, and in the Western world in the last two centuries it has been almost miraculously...
William A Scott
Scott groups the topics to be studied around the development of the Classical Political Economy of England by considering first, the background of that development in the economic life and thought of the preceding period; second, the development...
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Garet Garrett
Here is a treasure in the history of the pro-capitalist novel. Garet Garrett, author of The People’s Pottage, tells the story of an upstart Wall Street speculator financier, Henry Galt, a shadowy figure who stays out of the limelight as much as...
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